Special Events

Middle  School  Opportunities

EVENT: Become a Scholastic Kid!


"Save the date! Starting March 27, kids around the world ages 10-14 can apply to become Kid Reporters for the award-winning #ScholasticKidsPress program

For more information, visit: https://kpcnotebook.scholastic.com/page/how-join-scholastic-kids-presshttps://kpcnotebook.scholastic.com/sites/default/files/KidsPressApp_2023-2024_FINAL_VERSION.pdf


Engineering and Science 

August Discovery Day Programs!

This summer, discover together with STEM Matters NYC!
Students entering kindergarten through grade 9 in September can apply now (link below) for Discovery Day, a day-long hands-on learning experience, and enjoy a special interactive class with their adult caregiver. 

Apply Today: https://nycdoe.campintouch.com/ui/forms/application/camper/App

wide range of programs are offered at the Central Park Zoo; Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum; New York Botanical Garden; New-York Historical Society; Queens Botanical Garden; Queens County Farm Museum; Queens Zoo; The Green-Wood Cemetery; UrbanGlass; and Wave Hill.  

Programs: https://spep.libguides.com/STEMprograms/3-5

Programs: https://spep.libguides.com/STEMprograms/3-5

Don’t miss out, spots are limited, and the application deadline is Wednesday, June 23.
Preference is given to students who attend Title I schools. 

For questions, contact
[email protected].

Teens in STEAM, virtual panel chat

Date: Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2021
Time: 4:00pm-5:00pm, ET

All Middle Schoolers Eligible

Join us as the Intrepid Sea, Air 7 Space Museum highlights the accomplishments of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of color) young professionals in their academic and professional journeys in STEAM. Participants
will be inspired and motivated to continue their own pathways towards careers in the sciences. Even one of our very own GOALS alum will be a featured panelist.


Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1RuYvAkntKbNAm8mwp8QJxsLnOQSEiJt_arLl9Mv6LME/edit



Virtual Girls in Science and Engineering Day
Date: Saturday, March 6, 2021
Time: 11:00am-3:00pm

All Middle Schoolers Eligible

This year, Girls in Science and Engineering Day is going virtual!

Join us as we welcome science organizations who will help you expand your mind and spark curiosity about the physical world around you. Hear from science professionals, learn about science projects that your peers are researching and conduct your own science experiments using materials from around your home.


Sign up in advance to receive reminders to participate in this special day. This event is most appropriate for tweens and teens, but all ages are welcome. Our very own GOALS interns will be featured and highlighted with other awesome organizations throughout the day.

Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd0ukd56j22o5S3cVRfZnIo3GENumY5BLXc8L_v4qu-2iytaQ/viewform


2021 GOALS for Girls Summer Intensive Informational
Date: Saturday Jan. 30, 2021
Time: 11:00am, EST

Intrepid Museum Education

8th Grade ONLY

Each year, the Intrepid Museum welcomes a cohort of 50 New York City girls in 8th and 9th grade to participate in our renowned 6-week GOALS for Girls Summer Intensive.


This informational will take prospective participants and their parents through all aspects of the application process and the program itinerary. Joining Shay Saleem, manager of teen leadership programs, will be GOALS graduate Elizabeth Shvarts, Co-Founder/CEO of Bridge to Literacy and 2021 Young Arts Finalist. She's excited to share her GOALS experience and journey with participants.


The application deadline is March 15, 2021.
Share registration link with parents, schools, clubs, and eligible
students: https://www.intrepidmuseum.org/education/goals-for-girls



2021 Virtual High School Fair

The Brooklyn North Virtual High School fair is taking place Wednesday, January 28th. For more information, see flyers below.
Register TODAY: 

Visual Arts

NYSSSA on Twitter: "We hope you are remembering to dance everyday - even  from home! (NYSSSA Dance '19)… "

Date: Program dates for 2021 are TBD.

8th Grade ONLY


If you are interested in auditioning the School of Dance, you must complete and submit both of these forms.


An Overview of Ballet for Beginners


Applications for 2021 (NY Summer School of Arts) NYSSSA will be entirely virtual and free. Audition information and application materials are available by clicking on the image.

Date: Program dates for 2021 are TBD.

All Middle Schoolers


How to Get Middle School Kids to Participate in Choir Class

Date: Program dates for 2021 are TBD.

All Middle Schoolers


For more information: